Legal notice

Updated - October 2023

Editor and publisher

EUROPA GROUP, SAS (French simplified joint-stock company) with a capital of 1 077 072 Euros
Head Office: 19 allées Jean-Jaurès BP 61508 31015 TOULOUSE CEDEX 06 France
Registered in the Toulouse Trade and Companies Register under the reference B 342 066 727
Intra-community VAT number: FR42 342 066 727

Publication director: Marc DONCIEUX
Contact :


The website is hosted by: WAYCOM INTERNATIONAL, 1-3 quai Marcel Dassault, 92150 Suresnes, France – Phone: +33 1 41 44 83 00

General terms of use


The general structure, as well as the software, applications, texts, animated or still images, sounds, know-how, drawings, graphics and all other elements making up the website or allowing it to operate, are the exclusive property of Europa Group or its partners and are protected by the laws in force on intellectual property.

Any total or partial representation or adaptation of this site, by any means whatsoever, without the express authorization of Europa Group, is prohibited and would constitute an infringement punishable by articles L335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code.


The hypertext links set up within the framework of this website in the direction of other resources present on the Internet network, cannot engage the responsibility of Europa Group, in particular with regard to the content of these sites, but also technical risks.

By agreeing to use a hypertext link to access an external site, you agree to take the risks and to suffer any direct or indirect damage.

Users and visitors to the website may not set up a hyperlink to this site without the express prior authorization of Europa Group. For this, please send an email to

Privacy policy

Europa Group has implemented a personal data protection policy which is accessible in the footer.


The brands and logos that appear on this site are registered trademarks. Their display here does not in any way carry with it a license or right to use the trademarks, which therefore cannot be used without the previous written consent of the brand’s owner, or this will be considered a breach of copyright. No information contained on this website can be copied. Any non-authorised use is strictly prohibited without prior written authorisation from Europa Group.

Use of website

Any use of process, system or dispositive such as ‘screenscraping’, robots, software, automatic/manual techniques or any other means to research, recuperate, copy, monitor and/or extract all or part of the data available on the website for any direct or indirect commercial use, notably with the aim of displaying it on another website, is strictly prohibited.

It is strictly forbidden to seek to interfere in any way whatsoever with the correct operation or functionality of this website (including by the provision of files containing corrupt data or viruses) or to take any action that may impose an excessive charge on our website, inconsistent with normal use.

In case of breach of these terms of use, we reserve the right to immediately forbid your access to the website without prior notice, notably by blocking your IP address, without prejudice to any legal action and/or claim for compensation.

Disclaimer: the English version is a translation of the original in French, for information only. In case of discrepancy, the French original will prevail.