Europa Group, European leader in the organisation of digital events
Europa Group is here to guide you in choosing and implementing the best digital solution, the one perfectly adapted to your needs.
E-conference, e-workshop, e-congress, webinar... the offer is vast, technical and complex. Which formats for which needs? Europa Group has the answers for you. Discover our catalogue of solutions.
Our virtual events catalogue
Hybrid Event
Have congresses, trade shows and conferences definitively changed? Hybrid events are now the new reference format.
Borrowing the best from each universe, hybrid projects limit investments, renting, transport, accommodation, while guaranteeing a larger audience and a high level of interactivity. The core of your community will certainly choose to meet physically, while those showing interest in only a fraction of your themes, or wishing to meet only a part of your exhibitors, will decide to stay away... At least the first year! Meetings and broadcasts in different countries, remote speakers... Our teams will guide you through the multitude of existing formats with a single objective: to help you achieve yours.
With our webinar solutions, the event is live on multiple channels and your community members react on the spot: the key to a truly immersive event.
- Virtual studio: your speakers interact from home and offer a next-generation round table discussion.
- Management of multiple sources in Live (External image capture, Medical imaging, Interview...)
- Assistance in content retrieval and design of presentation materials
- Coaching of speakers as well as technical assistance
- Multi-media broadcasting (youtube, website...)
Recreate the atmosphere of a classroom, with the emulation needed to help each other learn, progress together towards both collective and individual educational objectives.
Europa supports the financing and implementation of your e-Learning, from the definition of your objectives to the training of your teachers and helps you find the most appropriate digital tool. We also provide certification for training courses under accreditation. Many services and functionalities are available:
- Multiple exchange options, chat, survey, Q&A, social network interface...
- Connect large number of groups at a given time
- A backstage area dedicated to trainers: sharing tips, educational content, learner follow-up, etc.
- Available on all business and personal terminals
- Total data security
- Sessions can be recorded
Develop a perfectly immersive 3D platform offering your community a multitude of simultaneous live content in a complex agenda (e-Meetings, e-Conferences, Training, e-Posters consultation, GA with voting for members...).
While nothing can replace the face-to-face experience, the interactivity features we offer allow you to get closer to it and ensure the essential elements:
- Communicating and interacting on key news items
- Delivering pedagogical sessions
- Promoting academic work
- Setting up your platforms
Further reading : Case study : 90,000 hours for the first virtual congress in interventional cardiology (PCR e-Course)
Disciplinary web portal
Europa Digital Publishing supports you in the publication of your disciplinary web portal, allowing you to disseminate your content and stimulate exchanges with your members throughout the year.
More than a website, we help you to design THE permanent digital meeting place for your community where everyone can consult the resources gathered and structured by us. From these sites, we collect data for you that will keep you informed of the current and new practices in your community.
Why trust Europa Group?
Europa Group has been a dynamic player and a driving force in the digital sector for more than 20 years, notably through the community platforms we have developed in collaboration with doctors or sicentific societies in the fields of Interventional Cardiology, General Cardiology, Psychiatry and Interventional Neuroradiology.
Over the last few years, we have produced thousands of digital contents for the various congresses we organise or for the medical communities we work with (live or VOD session streaming, organisation of live and recorded webinars or round tables, etc.).
Our expertise in this sector make us the right partner to advise and support you in choosing and implementing the digital solution adapted to your situation (objectives, financing models, etc.).
Would you like to know more?
Floriane Biscaro
Development Manager
Download our catalog of digital solutions