Rythmik, Olivier Dubuisson's company, which accompanied Europa Group during its September seminar, is organizing a webinar to discuss the future of our working methods. Marc DONCIEUX will be one of the speakers, alongside Andy Roberts, Senior Vice President Marketing at Bayer. As the metaverse continues to grow, it's important to understand its impact on the way we work.
Speakers will share their ideas and experiences of using this revolutionary technology. Expect to discover how this can change the way we meet, collaborate, learn, create, network and socialize in the future. An interactive discussion to help you stay ahead of the game and be ready for the metaverse revolution in your industry. Whether you're a business leader, entrepreneur or employee, this webinar provides valuable insights that will help you succeed in the future of work. The webinar is in English.
Wednesday, March 29, 2023, from 1p.m. to 1:45p.m.: https://www.linkedin.com/events/nextworkplacedisruption-explore7038814935866318848/about/